Some things about religion you may have never considered or where to afraid too.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Romp Through The Old Testament

Let's take a romp through the Old Testament (from here on out it will be referred to as OT). I feel like I need to wear a butcher's apron and rubber boots and gloves when reading this blood soaked installment of the divine word of god. The OT is a book of blood. It's about punishment, blood punishment and if it's not the blood of the sinner who's worked on the sabbath day then it's the blood of some poor innocent animal that has been chosen as a sacrifice to atone for some sinner. It's kill kill kill!! Make them pay with blood and only blood will satisfy this demon. If this isn't a transgression against mother nature and everything we as humans hold sacred then nothing is. If this were any other religion, any other belief system, If I came up to you and said "Man I got the inside track on the one and only true religion, the one and only god, and if you want him to love you all you have to do is KILL something, you'd run away shrieking in terror and calling me a devil worshipper. What then are you who believes that this is the one true god, the god who loves you and the world?

Look at the 10 plagues of Egypt. God punishes Egypt with plagues because Pharaoh won't let his people go. And on the event of the 6th plague Pharaoh says "Hold it! Hold everything! Stop it man I believe you and I'm going to let your people go." But what does god do? He hardens Pharaoh heart. God himself hardens Pharaohs heart so that Pharaoh will not let the children of israel go and for what reason? God's own glory a.k.a.VANITY!(remember the devil's favorite sin?) God's own ego needs to be stroked and nothing less than pain, misery and suffering will suffice. And this continues until the 10th plague. When it could have ended long before, God himself ,( or I should say Satan, because I will illustrate to you over and over again how it is Satan who is pulling all the strings, so I will say Satan ,call a spade a spade right?) SATAN himself continues to hardens Pharaoh's heart culminating in the 10th plague which is the death of all of the first born of Egypt. And not just the first born humans, but the first born of the cattle as well! This demon is in such a blood lust frenzy that he is going to kill every first born thing regardless if it has anything to do with obeying him our not. And the first born means not just new borns, which is bad enough, but grown men as well! If you were an egyptian adult, first born in your family, you died, your first born child died and if your mother or father were the first born in their families they died too, even grandparents! And he is so blinded in his blood lust that the Israelites have to kill innocent lambs and smear their blood over their doorways so Satan will pass them by and not kill them in this orgy of death. GOOD GOD MAN- I don't have to eat red meat for a week after reading this. I can't eat much of anything after reading this or any of the bible as far as that goes. I find it so naturally abhorrent to everything I know instinctively as a human being. But what is even more sickening is the way some people seem to eat it up with a spoon. they can't get enough. They worship it. They even have little statues of a dead body hanging from an implement of extreme torture that they pray too and throw money at all the time. But you have a problem with the sex and violence in movies and music. But you feed on it every day.... And when you're complaining about the amount of sex and violence in your entertainment, that you feed on everyday, someone will always go "Well look at the bible, it's got more sex and violence in it than anything we consume as entertainment." And we all go " Oh's the bible I guess that's just the way we are. I guess there is nothing I can do about it." Never realizing that you already know, as you've always known instinctively but are to afraid too admit, that the bible is the source of all your problems for if there is a problem with your society and it has been there from the beginning then there is a problem with it's foundation. And the foundation of every society is it's religious beliefs, so if there is a problem with society then there is a problem with it's religion. Otherwise the problem would heal itself and go away, not fester and get worse over time. The Bible is the blue print for our society. if there is a problem with our society then we need to look at the blueprints.

There is no such thing as the divine word of God in print. there is not one single thing that can be held up as the divine word of god. There is not one single person or one single group that are the keepers of the divine word of god. Neither of the Big 3 religions (Judaism,Christianity or Islam) are an example of God's ever unfolding love for his creation. You will not find that love in Judaism, Christianity or Islam. If any one person or group held that truth you would know it. There would be no doubting it. There would be no questioning it or killing in the name of it. Period. We as human beings, as creations of that one divine being would know it instinctively. We wouldn't have to be convinced by sword or threat of death or eternal punishment. It would be as open and as welcoming as our Mother or father's, sisters' or brothers', wive's or husband's, Son's or daughter's arms. Something you know instinctively that you never have to question.

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